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加拿大SoilVision Systems Ltd. Murray Fredlund 总裁及卢海华高级软件工程师学术报告

发布人:陈今遥发布时间:2016-09-21 分享:



题目:Modeling the unsaturated soil zone in 2D/3D slope stability analysis



报告人:MurrayFredlund Ph.D., P.Eng. CEO/President of SoilVision Systems Ltd.


Murrayis the founder of SoilVision Systems Ltd. and has spent much of his time over the past 19 years guiding the development of geotechnical software development at SoilVision Systems Ltd. He has been involved in a number of numerical modeling projects involving heap leach flow, heap leach stability, waste rock water balance and stability, tailings water balance, and tailings consolidation. His work continues in the areas of i) unsaturated heap leach flow, ii) uranium and oil-sand large-strain tailings consolidation, and iii) applications of 3D slope stability. He continues to be active in the presentation of short courses around the world as well as training on the use of geotechnical software. The SVOffice software is applied extensively in the mining community and is presently used in over 50 countries by consultants, universities, government agencies and multinational corporations.

Dr. Fredlund's previous work experience includes involvement in the design and modeling of soil covers as well as consolidation modeling for mine sites in northernCanadaandAustralia. Work experience also includes seepage modeling for consulting and research-related projects as well as teaching classes at theUniversityofSaskatchewaninvolving the theory of soil mechanics.


It is commonly understood that a 2-D slope stability analysis will provide a lower factor of safety than a 3-D slope stability analysis. The difference in the calculated factors of safety between a 2-D and 3-D analysis may be 15-50% depending upon geometry. Comparisons between 2-D and 3-D analysis for saturated conditions and unsaturated conditions. This presentation will examine the reasons for difference between 2-D and 3-D slope stability analysis. Most historical comparative studies between 2-D and 3-D stability analyses have ignored the effect of negative pore-water pressures (i.e., matric suctions) in the soil zone above the groundwater table. In this presentation, a comparison is made between 2-D and 3-D slope stability analyses on soil slopes where a portion of the soil profile has matric suctions. The factors of safety on simple geometry slopes and complex geometry slopes which have two intersecting slope surfaces, are investigated under various shear strength parameters and groundwater conditions. Difference for concave and convex geometries for steep saturated and unsaturated slopes will be presented. Two case histories, the highwall stability failure at thePoplarRivercoal mine and the Kettleman Hills landfill slope failure, were back-calculated to illustrate the effect of unsaturated zone on back-analyzed shear strength parameters.






卢海华是加拿大 SoilVision Systems Ltd.高级软件工程师,1996-1999年在加拿大ALBERTA大学岩土工程专业攻读博士研究生,师从著名的Prof. Morgenstern, Prof. Dave Chan 以及 Prof. P.K. Robertson, 2002年在加拿大ALBERTA大学计算机专业硕士毕业,同年加盟加拿大 SoilVision Systems Ltd. 目前主要从事岩土工程软件研发。


随着计算机CPU和 GPU的处理能力越来越高,近些年岩土工程的商业软件开发得到了很大的发展。国外大的咨询公司,已经普遍采用三维模拟分析计算,而国内往往只局限于在高校等研究机构。SVOFFICE系列软件是加拿大SoilVision公司推出的1D/2D/3D岩土分析软件, 该套软件覆盖了岩土工程分析各方面,比如边坡稳定分析,应力和应变分析,渗流分析等等,在世界55个国家的设计院,高校,政府机构,和跨国公司等得到广泛应用。本报告主要介绍二维和三维边坡稳定分析软件的最新发展。




