魏骁,男,重庆人。2012年获浙江大学工学学士学位、竺可桢学院工科平台荣誉学位。同年获香港大学直博资格,主要从事砂土力学行为以及液化特性的研究工作。其博士论文获得香港工程师协会岩土工程分会颁发的Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies 2017。现为新加坡国立大学博士后研究员,从事水泥固砂方面的试验和理论工作。
Recent earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan indicate that evaluating the liquefaction potential of silty sands remains an area of difficulty and uncertainty in geotechnical engineering. This talk will present first-hand experimental data from a series of cyclic triaxial tests, along with analysis and interpretations of complex interactions of soil state and characteristics. It will also suggest rational methods to characterize the liquefaction resistance of silty sands.